Beholder 2 Walkthrough

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Here's the Appeals minigame full walkthrough.

12th Floor

The exciting sequel to Eye of the Beholder is bigger, better, and Forest, temple, catacomb, and three huge towers. To meet, clues to learn, and mysteries to unravel. Sqleditor 3 1 9 – create sql databases graphically. Better graphics and important point and click interface make playing even easier. Lots of new, smarter, meaner monsters - some of the nastiest ones. Crimson Tower Level 2. Eye of the Beholder 2: The Legend of Darkmoon was published by Strategic Simulations in 1991. It continues the story of the events surrounding Waterdeep. The first game in the series is Eye of the Beholder. The third in the series is Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth Drannor.

Minigame on he 12th floor can be misleading. Actually, it's very simple.


  • ! – Complaint
  • i – Information
  • x – Denunciation
  • ? – Request


You need to find your ministry and form

1) If Minstry & Form = Your Ministry & Form

>Select the stamp with the right icon.

2) If you can't find Minstry & Form = Your Ministry & Form

>Check for:

  • Reject all requests
  • Reject sending of all information
  • [~ Form] … for any Ministry

>If Form [for all ministries] = Your Form
>Select the stamp with the right icon.

3) If you can't find Minstry & Form = Your Ministry & Form
And 2 were unsuccessful
>Check for
Minstry = Your Ministry
>Select the stamp with the right icon.

4) If you can't find Minstry & Form = Your Ministry & Form
And 2&3 were unsuccessful
>Select any stamp

After three similar successful steps you'll get:
+ 45 money
+ 5 team points

Minigames Walkthrough

Complaint – Order

1) Someone at 8 Krushvice Street is always breaking one of the lamps! On behalf of all the tenants, we ask you to resolve this problem!

2) Unknown persons have desecrated my shed!

3) Someone has graffitied the walls of our building! The culprits must be lined up against the same walls and shot!

4) Worse! They drew the sun and some ducks! Rubber ducks! I blame the parents! You have to do something about this flagrant misbehavior.

5) I'm the building manager… er… former building manager of No. 3 Great Legacy Street. Yesterday there was a military training exercise going on nearby, and a shell accidentally landed… in the wrong place.

6) Hello! I would like to report a repeated violation of Directive No. 8750 at the city cemetery.

7) I would like to report a crime. Some miscreants hijacked my mobile propaganda unit. They're driving around the city broadcasting some nonsense about freedom and democracy.

8) Someone is always unscrewing the light bulbs at the entrance to our building. I should point out that I am the junior secretary to the head of the third department of the Bureau of Statistics!

9) Hello! I would like to report that unknown criminals opened three sealed-off apartments in our building and took everything of value.

10) Greetings! I'm an archivist in the military archive. I recently discovered that carpenters' reports about coffins for the Front were not marked as 'confidential' – thus violating Directive No. 8790 of the Ministry of Order!

11) A respectful hello to you! I would like to report that the management of our plant is criminally delaying the introduction of X-ray equipment to the entrance checkpoint in accordance with Ministry of Order Directive No. 5765.

Complaint – Patriotism

1) Those mobile propaganda units in the streets make far too much noise! We've had far too many cases of shattered windows!

2) What are the youth of today supposed to think? Who among them would want to serve in an army where they can't even spell the word 'execution' properly?

3) The electricity went out during the most recent performance of 'Real Patriots Eat Turnips' at the Red Torch Theater. The actors couldn't finish their performance.

4) A huge propaganda poster was put on our building as part of the preparations for a military parade. It covered up everyone's windows.

Isonics 1 5 1 – convert audio files between formats. 5) A few days ago, another group of dead soldiers was buried in the city cemetery. As usual, one of the coffins was draped in the flag of our great Motherland.

6) Stop printing the portrait of our Great Leader in the weekly newspaper.

7) Whoever authorized the production of 'Leader' branded condoms must be punished! He is the rock-hard shaft around which our society is built, and he deserves the proper respect!

8) I used my shoe voucher at Store No. 3. The shoes I bought have a quality stamp on the soles featuring the state coat of arms.

Beholder 2 Walkthrough

9) Yesterday at work we had a rally in support of Directive No. 6738. Everyone got a badge with a picture of the Leader – everyone except me. How can I explain it to my kids?

10) I have a subscription to a series of books chronicling the Leader's speeches. Page 429, paragraph 3 of the latest volume mentions Simeon Koldyrin, who was exposed as a traitor last week!

11) There's a billboard on the main avenue with a quote from the Leader: 'Glory to all that benefits us – whatever it may be!'.

12) I want to complain about the mobile propaganda units near my apartment building.

Complaint – Social Care

1) Hospital No. 3 serves patients soup made with rotten onions! You have to stop this disgraceful practice!

2) My son's classmates are always making fun of him. I think it's because of his dietary requirements – he's lactose intolerant.

3) Someone painted the benches in the park, but didn't bother to hang up any signs about it.

4) Rent is costing more and more, but my apartment building isn't getting any better. I won't stand for it! The place is a disgrace – there's only so much falling plaster a person can take!

5) I haven't been able to collect my pension in two months – all just because someone with the same name died. Who can help me?

6) Hello! Yesterday I went to the hospital to get my disability certificate extended. They said that you're only classed as disabled if you've lost your right hand – not your left, like I have!

7) Hello! There's a shed by our building where the caretaker's been keeping brooms and things like that for years. Recently, some degenerates and their kids shacked up in there, saying that they have nowhere to live!

8) I recently spent some time at a health resort, and I would like make a complaint about the staff. I'm a general in the Logistics Service and I'm entitled to Class A1 accommodation. But what did I get?

9) I want to report inappropriate behavior by the management of Orphanage No. 3. They put the children to work in the orphanage vegetable garden, supposedly because they haven't been allocated any rations.

Complaint – Labor

1) None of us at Depot No. 4 have been paid in three months! We can only afford to eat rice and fish – it's unbearable. Something has to be done!

2) I want to make a complaint against Trade Trust No. 3. They refused to hire me in the import deliveries department! What an outrage! They say there's already a waiting list of two hundred candidates.

3) Something must be done about the publications in the Labor Happiness newspaper. There have been no vacancies published in three months, and instead they run advertisements for mopeds!

4) I came to complain about the management of Foundry No. 2. Our equipment is always breaking down, and nobody even considers lowering production quotas while its being repaired!

5) I want to complain about the terrible working conditions in the police force. Who the hell decided that we have to wear hats underneath our helmets? What genius thought it would be a good idea to boil our brains?

6) I want to complain about the city utilities management. They only hire North Borean immigrants!

7) I want to report that last weekend, a group of five unknown people armed with tools carried out repairs on Kindergarten No. 78, also known as 'Little Leader'.

Complaint – Culture and Sports

1) I want to file a complaint! Our despicable enemies derailed a performance by my Youth Drummers in honor of the Battle of the Pzhista River!

2) My wife has been driving me up the wall since she watched a family movie called 'Together Forever'. She's asking for flowers and other silly stuff like that. She's been crying for days and acting crazy.

3) I was hit by a puck during a hockey match and lost three teeth!

4) Everyone knows that our country is the best in the world. Our national track and field team was sent to the World Championships to remind other countries of this fact.

5) Some new musical instruments were recently delivered to our House of Culture. They're awful! The string instruments don't stay in tune, it's impossible to blow into the wind instruments, and the piano keys don't work!

6) I recently attended a music festival in support of the war effort. I'm outraged! It was an insult to the memory of our fallen comrades!

7) What up, coach! Yesterday my football team played against the police team – The Sheriffs. Over the course of the match they arrested ten players for exceeding the pedestrian speed limit!

8) I would like to complain about the manufacturers of my team's sports equipment. Those tightwads have got some nerve! Look at the underpants and tank tops they made for us! Two scraps of cloth!

9) Do you see this disgraceful display?

10) You do realize that this is an international scandal, don't you?!

11) Vandals! Barbarians! Philistines!

12) Greetings! The management of the theater where I work has increased actors' productivity quotas. Now we have to perform for fourteen hours a day! Even when the hall is empty and there are no shows on!

Complaint – Science and Technology

1) I invented an incredible device that can make all our lives easier. But Construction Department No. 6 refuses to accept it!

2) I read the book 'Physics For Everyone' and now I can't sleep!

3) The experimental pressure cooker I bought yesterday exploded in my kitchen when I switched it on! Now all the walls are covered in my signature thyme and tomato soup!

4) After watching 'Do It Yourself' on TV, my wife decided to make a ceiling fan out of matches, acorns and an old spring. Would you be at all surprised to hear that it was a failure?

5) An experimental new field pesticide was delivered to our economic union recently.

6) Greetings. I demand that you find the person who spat in my dish!

7) I was supposed to attend a mathematics symposium, but the Institute sent some upstart junior researcher instead!

8) Hello! I'm a physics teacher at the Mining University. Yesterday I left some calculations on the blackboard, and when I came in today I saw that the board had been wiped!

Information – Order

1) I've come with a report on theft-prevention measures at Door Handle Factory No. 8.

2) Here are the full vandalism statistics for the Coal Park area over the last quarter. Who should I hand them over to?

3) I've brought a journal listing every instance of light bulb theft at the entrance to our apartment building, and of graffiti appearing on the walls.

4) I've brought the minutes of the workers' meeting at Mine No. 7 after receiving complaints about some of their behavior. They'd set up an after-hours fight club.

5) I'm the manager of the tenement building at 7 Strasheci Street. Here are profiles of all my tenants.

6) I've brought a report on how we've met our quota for uncovering saboteurs at our kindergarten.

7) Hello! I did what they asked of me.

8) I brought the list of employees from my factory who want to join the voluntary city patrols under Directive No. 5873.

Information – Patriotism

1) I want to report on the number of schoolchildren who visited patriotic camps this summer.

2) I'm from the Propaganda Bureau. Here are all the student essays from my district on the topic of 'How I Love the Wise Leader' for linguistic analysis.

3) The Special Commission is satisfied with the results of the guitar concert dedicated to the love of our Motherland. I've brought all the lyrics and chords in order to compile a patriotic songbook.

4) I brought you a trial copy of the Monochrome Star newspaper so it can be verified for patriotism.

5) I want to thank everyone involved in the 'From the Heart' patriotic song festival at Mine No. 4. The songs even made the walls shake! Who should I give the award recommendation list to?

6) I'm the supervisor of a public toilet by the railway station. Each stall is equipped with a surveillance camera and a microphone, in accordance with the Patriotism Law.

7) I have our factory's anti-optimism activities report, in accordance with the latest directive from the Ministry of Patriotism.

8) Hello! I've managed to cultivate a new kind of apple tree that bears fruits the colors of our national flag! I want to give the seedlings to the state biological collection.

9) Hello. I have a list of tenants from our building who want to participate in the annual Parade of Future Victory.

Information – Social Care

1) At long last, there are cycle paths in Labor Park. And while it isn't possible to buy bicycles at the moment, I would like to thank everyone involved. This is a big step forward for our country!

2) I have a complete register of the newborns in our district. Who should I hand it over to?

3) Where do I submit the completed family trees for the population census?

4) I have all the required documents to obtain a voucher for a trip to a health resort. Where do I hand them in?

5) I've assembled all the paperwork to prove that there are multiple children in my family.

6) Greetings! My wife is a typist in the Ministry of Order. In accordance with Ministry of Social Care Directive No. 8869 regarding the relatives of public servants, I've brought my income records for the last year, my employment certificate, excerpts from the tenants' register and my medical records.

7) I was told to bring a statistical reference regarding military service housing for veterans. Here it is.

8) I have profiles of all the children at the kindergarten where I work, complete with photos and distinguishing characteristics.

Information – Labor

1) I've brought an in-depth log detailing my daily observations of my colleagues. It includes all of their absences and the exact time spent taking smoke breaks.

2) I want to submit a list of my plant's employees and their figures for the last month. The top workers are highlighted in red, the lazy ones in gray.

3) Where can I submit my statistical report on the age and marital status of the workers at Coal Mine No. 3?

4) I have information about the distribution of Mining College graduates. Who should I give it to?

5) I have the results of compliance checks of the working conditions at Mines Nos. 1-3 for the last month, including violations and observations.

6) Hello, sir! Command has ordered that as of midday on August 31, all citizens detained by the police who are still awaiting further investigation are to be sentenced to correctional labor.

7) I've brought work efficiency estimates for the fourth quarter of this year. They're in line with the goals set by the Ministry of Labor: a 125% output increase, a 30% salary decrease, and a one-hour increase of the working day.

8) Hello! Here are the last three years' timesheets for the doctors at the city hospital.

Web confidential 5 0 4. 9) I've brought a list of workers from the Light of Victory plant who've been called up for military service. Now they can be removed from the ration lists.

10) Hi there! I have a doctor's note saying that I can't work in the mines.

11) I have a report on the pregnancy statistics for clothing factory workers, and the effect it has on production and performance.

12) I'm about to blow my top! I won't be kept waiting here a minute longer! Who here needs a list of my barge's crew?

Information – Culture and Sports

1) I have the annual instrument renewal plan for the Houses of Culture. Who should I give it to? In total, we're charging for 2,143 drums, 1,876 trombones, 2 triangles and 1 grand piano.

2) I'm here to submit the new posters for the theatrical production of 'We're the Happiest – Don't Believe the Traitors' for censorship. Who do I give them to?

3) I came to hand in a statistical report on the total distance our athletes have run over the last 10 years.

4) We have prepared a program for City Day. Who shall I pass it on to?

5) I'm here to hand in completed forms with the latest results of the factory football championships.

6) I've brought in a review of the new '1985' movie. It's a delight to witness such a great work of art! What a magnificent world full of order and harmony! A cinematic masterpiece!

7) Hello! I brought data on last year's cinema attendance. As expected, the industrial drama 'The Diode and I' is number one!

8) Hi. I'm here to hand in the results from the latest military sports games, as well as submit a report on the ensuing casualties.

9) Greetings! Where should I send my report on High Culture Week: Prison Edition?

10) Hello, I'm here to submit a photo report on the amateur 'Songs of Labor and Heroism' festival.

Information – Science and Technology

1) I've managed to split the atom in my own home! I'd like to donate my findings for the benefit of our state's scientific endeavours! Here's my paper-mache model of the atom – as you can see, I've split it up. Which office should I bring it to?

2) I want to present the Ministry with my chemical formula for transforming gold into lead. Which office should I go to?

3) I had a dream about some new fundamental particles and had to draw them right away. The quarks and muons are sketched in pencil, and the leptons and bosons are in charcoal because my pencil ran out.

4) I have some data on the flammability of various materials. It can be used to calculate the amount of fuel needed to burn counterfeit and prohibited items in accordance with the relevant directives. Which office should I bring it to?

5) My group has researched the effect of bromine on soldier's fighting abilities when it's added to their fruit juice. To whom can I pass on the results?

6) Hello! Here's a list of the reagents needed to continue my work in synthesizing food proteins from manure.

7) Hello. I need to transfer some academic records belonging to one Professor Drumderi to the archive, on account of his death.

8) Hello! I've brought lists of students nominated for scholarships in scientific work and trench digging.

9) Hello there! Here's a folder containing the results of my cloud observations. I've spent over 30 years on them – haven't missed a single day!

10) Hello! I am a veterinarian. I've noticed that cows that listen to the Leader's speeches demonstrate a sharp increase in milk production, pigs give birth to more piglets, and sheep's wool becomes softer and silkier!

Denunciation – Order

1) I want to inform you that my brother-in-law is keeping forbidden books. I know for a fact that he reads them under a blanket with a flashlight.

2) I want to make a statement. My mother-in-law steals cotton candy from work and takes it home.

3) I would like to report Irvin Borzhovich, my neighbor's kid.

4) I have something urgent to report! Listen! I've witnessed a terrible future crime in progress!

5) Hello! My name is Nikolai Meser. I'm 39, single, and recently started working as a chemistry teacher at School No. 217.

Eye Of Beholder 2 Walkthrough

6) My neighbor has fat lips!

7) I want to report a violation of Directive No. 6729 from June 23 this year. My neighbor, Jacob Proust, is hiding a draft dodger in his home. Someone who was called to serve on the Western Front.

8) Hello! I want to report a breach of the law. The writer Mark Niemeyer, who lives at 3 Leader's Wisdom Street, is trying to leave the city without an official certificate of absence.

9) I want to report that one of the typists at our bureau, Martha Zane, is a spy! I sometimes see her pick up a newspaper, read it, then underline something in it.

Beholder 2 A Generous Feast

10) Lieutenant Richter reporting, sir! Captain Weller spent funds allocated for bribing South Boreans on gambling and loose women!

11) Dietrich Schultz, the manager of Building No. 4 on Responsibility Street, has opened an underground casino.

12) I want to complain about Ivan Felmeyer, the director of our lab. We have no chemicals, no test tubes, no equipment – nothing!

13) I would like to inform you that the physicist Maurice Hecker has assembled a radio receiver from old equipment, and uses it to listen to forbidden South Borean stations at night.

14) Hi! I'd like to report that Professor O'Callaghan has flagrantly violated the Standards for Processing Classified Data!

Denunciation – Patriotism

1) I want to let you know that a couple of the peddlers on Labor Square, Bertha Proschek and Anna Hobbes, have been feeding stale bread to the pigeons! Those damn birds have befouled the statue of our Great Leader! It's deeply offensive!

2) Yesterday Charles Stobart's bakery was selling cakes with the Wise Leader's face on them! This is completely unacceptable!

3) I wish to inform you that my colleague James Aderhold's kids graffitied a poster our Wise Leader by scrawling a moustache over it!

4) My neighbor, Joshua Krukov, makes inappropriate jokes about our Leader when he's drunk!

5) This is unforgivable! Last night some vandals put a hat and gloves on one of the statues of our Great Leader!

6) My neighbor, Damir Kadapidi, didn't stand for the national anthem at a recent football game.

7) I saw Samuel Harris, the shift manager at my plant, change the channel from our Leader's speech to a morning workout!

8) My neighbor's kid, Ben Crivens, was spitting paper at a portrait of the Leader. He used wadded-up pages from a newspaper featuring a portrait of the Leader!

9) Luke Parker, my neighbor, beats his wife every day, and blasts out the national anthem on his turntable to drown out the sounds!

10) Look at this herring!

11) I live by the city square. My neighbor, Otto Brandis, goes around feeding paint to the pigeons. Says it's to cheer people up, but c'mon! Everyone knows that the rainbow contains the colors of the enemy's flag!

12) I'm here to report my kid's kindergarten teacher. Charlotte Shepard's her name. She lets the kiddos sit on the potty when the anthem's on. That's teaching them to be traitors, right?

13) My building manager, Max Staff, uses a bust of our Great Leader to crack nuts!

14) Olivia Rice, whose husband Bruno is head of the passport desk, uses a bust of our Leader to weigh down her sauerkraut!

15) My neighbor, the designer Peter Bless, said yesterday that our coat of arms looks like an upside-down pyramid!

16) Yesterday, Johannes Bloom, the projectionist at the Victory movie theatre, played a South Borean comedy called 'A Blond Guy and His Girls' instead of our patriotic war drama, 'War Is Never Far!'.

Denunciation – Social Care

1) One of the teachers in State Kindergarten No. 159, Brigitte Swen, isn't looking after the children properly.

2) Stefan Oswald, a professor in the Coal Mining Faculty, won't let my kid enrol.

3) Maurice Walsh, the head of Hospital No. 2, doesn't keep his facility in proper sanitary condition. The patient rooms are dirty, there's mold in the showers, and the kitchen's overrun with cockroaches the size of a bulldog!

4) I'd like to file a complaint against Klenz Mnetis. He's a high school teacher, and he doesn't know a thing about what he's teaching.

5) Rene Helfenburg, our physician, keeps prescribing me the same medicine for everything. Doesn't matter if I have headaches, a cough, a runny nose, allergies…

6) I want to report that my neighbor has too much living space and our building manager, Oscar Morel, has done nothing about it!

7) I'm here to let you know that Adam Pluke and his family are illegally collecting his deceased grandmother's food stamps.

8) Don't you think we should be punishing the families of traitors?

9) I want to report Franz Dietrich, building manager of No. 67-bis on Veterans' Drive. There are illegals living in his business apartment: his brother's wife, his three nephews and one of his grandmothers. He says they have nowhere else to go because his brother was killed in the war, but I say rules are rules!

10) I'm here to fulfil my civic duty and report a violation of the Family Code.

Denunciation – Labor

1) I have to report that my boss, Gus Morev, is a tyrant! He makes us workers bring him tea and polish his boots – what the hell?! It's illegal and disgraceful!

2) You must arrest Philippe Courier, the milk truck driver, for dereliction of duty! He's supposed to pour unsold milk into the gutter, but instead he's been giving it to stray cats!

3) Jiri Shnip, my boss, has jeopardized the reputation of our rubber plant! We used to make tires, but when demand fell we switched to police batons.

4) I need a new job.

5) Smoking has always been prohibited at our fuel and lubricant depot. But now the new boss, Shiber Patek, says it's okay. And he lets his nephew sell smokes in the depot.

6) I want to inform you that my neighbor, Walter Gauss, is a chronic freeloader! He thinks he's a poet, so he doesn't have a job… He just spends his days wasting perfectly good paper.

7) I wanna say that Nicholas Pergheim, the warden of the prison, is violating guards' rights and making the job real crappy!

8) My colleague, Martha Kramer, has created a hostile work environment! She keeps opening the window, and now I've got a stuffy nose all the time!

9) I'm here to report that citizen Franz Merezhkovsky is cheating the Ministry of Labor. He was assigned to be a radio host but instead, he records his voice at home and then plays the recording while working as a handler at the coal warehouse!

Denunciation – Culture and Sports

1) Lola Thmin, the singer, caused a whole scandal after her performance on Railroad Worker Day. We invited her to our canteen… She took all the food with her, called us pathetic, and then she and the director of the House of Culture left together in his car!

2) Do something about the director of the Bumpy Roads theatre group! They hire disabled actors, then torture them to make their performances more realistic! One guy had both his eyes taken out by a parrot!

3) The coach of our turnery's handball team refuses to give reserve players a chance to play in matches!

4) The national chess champion is a cheater who belongs in jail!

5) Modern theatre productions are shameful! I was at one recently, and it's an outrage how perversely they twisted the story of our Great Leader's life!

6) Hello, my name is Pierre Vaneau, and I'm a bellboy at the Anthracite Hotel. I thought you should know that Ricky Martinos, the famous singer, has been behaving in an antisocial manner!

7) Hello there! I want to report that Alex Podransky, the runner, has refused to take vitamins recommended by our doctors because they contain pervitin!

8) I wish to notify the Ministry of Culture and Sports that the director of the Roots folk ensemble, Philip Kim, refuses to incorporate songs recommended by the Ministry of Culture into the band's routine.

9) Hello there! Tell me, please, are green apples still banned in our country?

10) Hello, I want to report negligence on the part of Dmitry Petrashek, the movie editor.

11) Hello. I'd like to report an incident that occurred yesterday at an evening with the poet Albert Grabowski. While he was performing the Pacifist Hymn, the audience erupted in a completely unsanctioned uprising – they literally rose up out of their seats!

12) Hello. I bought a book of Victor Grum's poems recently, and you know what? It doesn't contain a single line about the working man! Nothing! It's all women, children, nature…

Denunciation – Science and Technology

1) I'm a technical consultant at a glass ceramics producer. I want you to punish my wife, Grace Chilton, for altering my designs at night without my knowledge.

2) Sean Campton, a process engineer at Bakery Plant No. 7, came up with a conveyor belt improvement that saves a lot of working time.

3) I'm here to inform you that my neighbor's brother has made some kind of futuristic, next-generation inhaler.

4) I want to complain about my neighbors, Werner von Gray and Sergey King. There used to be an elevator in our apartment building. It broke some years ago.

5) My upstairs neighbor, Mark Lipinec, is trying to irradiate me with waves of some kind! Now when I'm at home I have to wear a tinfoil hat all the time!

6) Our junior lab tech, Martin Clavel, is using a still to make moonshine, which he then consumes along with cucumbers from our experimental plantation! He shouldn't be allowed to do science!


9) Yesterday at work we had a rally in support of Directive No. 6738. Everyone got a badge with a picture of the Leader – everyone except me. How can I explain it to my kids?

10) I have a subscription to a series of books chronicling the Leader's speeches. Page 429, paragraph 3 of the latest volume mentions Simeon Koldyrin, who was exposed as a traitor last week!

11) There's a billboard on the main avenue with a quote from the Leader: 'Glory to all that benefits us – whatever it may be!'.

12) I want to complain about the mobile propaganda units near my apartment building.

Complaint – Social Care

1) Hospital No. 3 serves patients soup made with rotten onions! You have to stop this disgraceful practice!

2) My son's classmates are always making fun of him. I think it's because of his dietary requirements – he's lactose intolerant.

3) Someone painted the benches in the park, but didn't bother to hang up any signs about it.

4) Rent is costing more and more, but my apartment building isn't getting any better. I won't stand for it! The place is a disgrace – there's only so much falling plaster a person can take!

5) I haven't been able to collect my pension in two months – all just because someone with the same name died. Who can help me?

6) Hello! Yesterday I went to the hospital to get my disability certificate extended. They said that you're only classed as disabled if you've lost your right hand – not your left, like I have!

7) Hello! There's a shed by our building where the caretaker's been keeping brooms and things like that for years. Recently, some degenerates and their kids shacked up in there, saying that they have nowhere to live!

8) I recently spent some time at a health resort, and I would like make a complaint about the staff. I'm a general in the Logistics Service and I'm entitled to Class A1 accommodation. But what did I get?

9) I want to report inappropriate behavior by the management of Orphanage No. 3. They put the children to work in the orphanage vegetable garden, supposedly because they haven't been allocated any rations.

Complaint – Labor

1) None of us at Depot No. 4 have been paid in three months! We can only afford to eat rice and fish – it's unbearable. Something has to be done!

2) I want to make a complaint against Trade Trust No. 3. They refused to hire me in the import deliveries department! What an outrage! They say there's already a waiting list of two hundred candidates.

3) Something must be done about the publications in the Labor Happiness newspaper. There have been no vacancies published in three months, and instead they run advertisements for mopeds!

4) I came to complain about the management of Foundry No. 2. Our equipment is always breaking down, and nobody even considers lowering production quotas while its being repaired!

5) I want to complain about the terrible working conditions in the police force. Who the hell decided that we have to wear hats underneath our helmets? What genius thought it would be a good idea to boil our brains?

6) I want to complain about the city utilities management. They only hire North Borean immigrants!

7) I want to report that last weekend, a group of five unknown people armed with tools carried out repairs on Kindergarten No. 78, also known as 'Little Leader'.

Complaint – Culture and Sports

1) I want to file a complaint! Our despicable enemies derailed a performance by my Youth Drummers in honor of the Battle of the Pzhista River!

2) My wife has been driving me up the wall since she watched a family movie called 'Together Forever'. She's asking for flowers and other silly stuff like that. She's been crying for days and acting crazy.

3) I was hit by a puck during a hockey match and lost three teeth!

4) Everyone knows that our country is the best in the world. Our national track and field team was sent to the World Championships to remind other countries of this fact.

5) Some new musical instruments were recently delivered to our House of Culture. They're awful! The string instruments don't stay in tune, it's impossible to blow into the wind instruments, and the piano keys don't work!

6) I recently attended a music festival in support of the war effort. I'm outraged! It was an insult to the memory of our fallen comrades!

7) What up, coach! Yesterday my football team played against the police team – The Sheriffs. Over the course of the match they arrested ten players for exceeding the pedestrian speed limit!

8) I would like to complain about the manufacturers of my team's sports equipment. Those tightwads have got some nerve! Look at the underpants and tank tops they made for us! Two scraps of cloth!

9) Do you see this disgraceful display?

10) You do realize that this is an international scandal, don't you?!

11) Vandals! Barbarians! Philistines!

12) Greetings! The management of the theater where I work has increased actors' productivity quotas. Now we have to perform for fourteen hours a day! Even when the hall is empty and there are no shows on!

Complaint – Science and Technology

1) I invented an incredible device that can make all our lives easier. But Construction Department No. 6 refuses to accept it!

2) I read the book 'Physics For Everyone' and now I can't sleep!

3) The experimental pressure cooker I bought yesterday exploded in my kitchen when I switched it on! Now all the walls are covered in my signature thyme and tomato soup!

4) After watching 'Do It Yourself' on TV, my wife decided to make a ceiling fan out of matches, acorns and an old spring. Would you be at all surprised to hear that it was a failure?

5) An experimental new field pesticide was delivered to our economic union recently.

6) Greetings. I demand that you find the person who spat in my dish!

7) I was supposed to attend a mathematics symposium, but the Institute sent some upstart junior researcher instead!

8) Hello! I'm a physics teacher at the Mining University. Yesterday I left some calculations on the blackboard, and when I came in today I saw that the board had been wiped!

Information – Order

1) I've come with a report on theft-prevention measures at Door Handle Factory No. 8.

2) Here are the full vandalism statistics for the Coal Park area over the last quarter. Who should I hand them over to?

3) I've brought a journal listing every instance of light bulb theft at the entrance to our apartment building, and of graffiti appearing on the walls.

4) I've brought the minutes of the workers' meeting at Mine No. 7 after receiving complaints about some of their behavior. They'd set up an after-hours fight club.

5) I'm the manager of the tenement building at 7 Strasheci Street. Here are profiles of all my tenants.

6) I've brought a report on how we've met our quota for uncovering saboteurs at our kindergarten.

7) Hello! I did what they asked of me.

8) I brought the list of employees from my factory who want to join the voluntary city patrols under Directive No. 5873.

Information – Patriotism

1) I want to report on the number of schoolchildren who visited patriotic camps this summer.

2) I'm from the Propaganda Bureau. Here are all the student essays from my district on the topic of 'How I Love the Wise Leader' for linguistic analysis.

3) The Special Commission is satisfied with the results of the guitar concert dedicated to the love of our Motherland. I've brought all the lyrics and chords in order to compile a patriotic songbook.

4) I brought you a trial copy of the Monochrome Star newspaper so it can be verified for patriotism.

5) I want to thank everyone involved in the 'From the Heart' patriotic song festival at Mine No. 4. The songs even made the walls shake! Who should I give the award recommendation list to?

6) I'm the supervisor of a public toilet by the railway station. Each stall is equipped with a surveillance camera and a microphone, in accordance with the Patriotism Law.

7) I have our factory's anti-optimism activities report, in accordance with the latest directive from the Ministry of Patriotism.

8) Hello! I've managed to cultivate a new kind of apple tree that bears fruits the colors of our national flag! I want to give the seedlings to the state biological collection.

9) Hello. I have a list of tenants from our building who want to participate in the annual Parade of Future Victory.

Information – Social Care

1) At long last, there are cycle paths in Labor Park. And while it isn't possible to buy bicycles at the moment, I would like to thank everyone involved. This is a big step forward for our country!

2) I have a complete register of the newborns in our district. Who should I hand it over to?

3) Where do I submit the completed family trees for the population census?

4) I have all the required documents to obtain a voucher for a trip to a health resort. Where do I hand them in?

5) I've assembled all the paperwork to prove that there are multiple children in my family.

6) Greetings! My wife is a typist in the Ministry of Order. In accordance with Ministry of Social Care Directive No. 8869 regarding the relatives of public servants, I've brought my income records for the last year, my employment certificate, excerpts from the tenants' register and my medical records.

7) I was told to bring a statistical reference regarding military service housing for veterans. Here it is.

8) I have profiles of all the children at the kindergarten where I work, complete with photos and distinguishing characteristics.

Information – Labor

1) I've brought an in-depth log detailing my daily observations of my colleagues. It includes all of their absences and the exact time spent taking smoke breaks.

2) I want to submit a list of my plant's employees and their figures for the last month. The top workers are highlighted in red, the lazy ones in gray.

3) Where can I submit my statistical report on the age and marital status of the workers at Coal Mine No. 3?

4) I have information about the distribution of Mining College graduates. Who should I give it to?

5) I have the results of compliance checks of the working conditions at Mines Nos. 1-3 for the last month, including violations and observations.

6) Hello, sir! Command has ordered that as of midday on August 31, all citizens detained by the police who are still awaiting further investigation are to be sentenced to correctional labor.

7) I've brought work efficiency estimates for the fourth quarter of this year. They're in line with the goals set by the Ministry of Labor: a 125% output increase, a 30% salary decrease, and a one-hour increase of the working day.

8) Hello! Here are the last three years' timesheets for the doctors at the city hospital.

Web confidential 5 0 4. 9) I've brought a list of workers from the Light of Victory plant who've been called up for military service. Now they can be removed from the ration lists.

10) Hi there! I have a doctor's note saying that I can't work in the mines.

11) I have a report on the pregnancy statistics for clothing factory workers, and the effect it has on production and performance.

12) I'm about to blow my top! I won't be kept waiting here a minute longer! Who here needs a list of my barge's crew?

Information – Culture and Sports

1) I have the annual instrument renewal plan for the Houses of Culture. Who should I give it to? In total, we're charging for 2,143 drums, 1,876 trombones, 2 triangles and 1 grand piano.

2) I'm here to submit the new posters for the theatrical production of 'We're the Happiest – Don't Believe the Traitors' for censorship. Who do I give them to?

3) I came to hand in a statistical report on the total distance our athletes have run over the last 10 years.

4) We have prepared a program for City Day. Who shall I pass it on to?

5) I'm here to hand in completed forms with the latest results of the factory football championships.

6) I've brought in a review of the new '1985' movie. It's a delight to witness such a great work of art! What a magnificent world full of order and harmony! A cinematic masterpiece!

7) Hello! I brought data on last year's cinema attendance. As expected, the industrial drama 'The Diode and I' is number one!

8) Hi. I'm here to hand in the results from the latest military sports games, as well as submit a report on the ensuing casualties.

9) Greetings! Where should I send my report on High Culture Week: Prison Edition?

10) Hello, I'm here to submit a photo report on the amateur 'Songs of Labor and Heroism' festival.

Information – Science and Technology

1) I've managed to split the atom in my own home! I'd like to donate my findings for the benefit of our state's scientific endeavours! Here's my paper-mache model of the atom – as you can see, I've split it up. Which office should I bring it to?

2) I want to present the Ministry with my chemical formula for transforming gold into lead. Which office should I go to?

3) I had a dream about some new fundamental particles and had to draw them right away. The quarks and muons are sketched in pencil, and the leptons and bosons are in charcoal because my pencil ran out.

4) I have some data on the flammability of various materials. It can be used to calculate the amount of fuel needed to burn counterfeit and prohibited items in accordance with the relevant directives. Which office should I bring it to?

5) My group has researched the effect of bromine on soldier's fighting abilities when it's added to their fruit juice. To whom can I pass on the results?

6) Hello! Here's a list of the reagents needed to continue my work in synthesizing food proteins from manure.

7) Hello. I need to transfer some academic records belonging to one Professor Drumderi to the archive, on account of his death.

8) Hello! I've brought lists of students nominated for scholarships in scientific work and trench digging.

9) Hello there! Here's a folder containing the results of my cloud observations. I've spent over 30 years on them – haven't missed a single day!

10) Hello! I am a veterinarian. I've noticed that cows that listen to the Leader's speeches demonstrate a sharp increase in milk production, pigs give birth to more piglets, and sheep's wool becomes softer and silkier!

Denunciation – Order

1) I want to inform you that my brother-in-law is keeping forbidden books. I know for a fact that he reads them under a blanket with a flashlight.

2) I want to make a statement. My mother-in-law steals cotton candy from work and takes it home.

3) I would like to report Irvin Borzhovich, my neighbor's kid.

4) I have something urgent to report! Listen! I've witnessed a terrible future crime in progress!

5) Hello! My name is Nikolai Meser. I'm 39, single, and recently started working as a chemistry teacher at School No. 217.

Eye Of Beholder 2 Walkthrough

6) My neighbor has fat lips!

7) I want to report a violation of Directive No. 6729 from June 23 this year. My neighbor, Jacob Proust, is hiding a draft dodger in his home. Someone who was called to serve on the Western Front.

8) Hello! I want to report a breach of the law. The writer Mark Niemeyer, who lives at 3 Leader's Wisdom Street, is trying to leave the city without an official certificate of absence.

9) I want to report that one of the typists at our bureau, Martha Zane, is a spy! I sometimes see her pick up a newspaper, read it, then underline something in it.

Beholder 2 A Generous Feast

10) Lieutenant Richter reporting, sir! Captain Weller spent funds allocated for bribing South Boreans on gambling and loose women!

11) Dietrich Schultz, the manager of Building No. 4 on Responsibility Street, has opened an underground casino.

12) I want to complain about Ivan Felmeyer, the director of our lab. We have no chemicals, no test tubes, no equipment – nothing!

13) I would like to inform you that the physicist Maurice Hecker has assembled a radio receiver from old equipment, and uses it to listen to forbidden South Borean stations at night.

14) Hi! I'd like to report that Professor O'Callaghan has flagrantly violated the Standards for Processing Classified Data!

Denunciation – Patriotism

1) I want to let you know that a couple of the peddlers on Labor Square, Bertha Proschek and Anna Hobbes, have been feeding stale bread to the pigeons! Those damn birds have befouled the statue of our Great Leader! It's deeply offensive!

2) Yesterday Charles Stobart's bakery was selling cakes with the Wise Leader's face on them! This is completely unacceptable!

3) I wish to inform you that my colleague James Aderhold's kids graffitied a poster our Wise Leader by scrawling a moustache over it!

4) My neighbor, Joshua Krukov, makes inappropriate jokes about our Leader when he's drunk!

5) This is unforgivable! Last night some vandals put a hat and gloves on one of the statues of our Great Leader!

6) My neighbor, Damir Kadapidi, didn't stand for the national anthem at a recent football game.

7) I saw Samuel Harris, the shift manager at my plant, change the channel from our Leader's speech to a morning workout!

8) My neighbor's kid, Ben Crivens, was spitting paper at a portrait of the Leader. He used wadded-up pages from a newspaper featuring a portrait of the Leader!

9) Luke Parker, my neighbor, beats his wife every day, and blasts out the national anthem on his turntable to drown out the sounds!

10) Look at this herring!

11) I live by the city square. My neighbor, Otto Brandis, goes around feeding paint to the pigeons. Says it's to cheer people up, but c'mon! Everyone knows that the rainbow contains the colors of the enemy's flag!

12) I'm here to report my kid's kindergarten teacher. Charlotte Shepard's her name. She lets the kiddos sit on the potty when the anthem's on. That's teaching them to be traitors, right?

13) My building manager, Max Staff, uses a bust of our Great Leader to crack nuts!

14) Olivia Rice, whose husband Bruno is head of the passport desk, uses a bust of our Leader to weigh down her sauerkraut!

15) My neighbor, the designer Peter Bless, said yesterday that our coat of arms looks like an upside-down pyramid!

16) Yesterday, Johannes Bloom, the projectionist at the Victory movie theatre, played a South Borean comedy called 'A Blond Guy and His Girls' instead of our patriotic war drama, 'War Is Never Far!'.

Denunciation – Social Care

1) One of the teachers in State Kindergarten No. 159, Brigitte Swen, isn't looking after the children properly.

2) Stefan Oswald, a professor in the Coal Mining Faculty, won't let my kid enrol.

3) Maurice Walsh, the head of Hospital No. 2, doesn't keep his facility in proper sanitary condition. The patient rooms are dirty, there's mold in the showers, and the kitchen's overrun with cockroaches the size of a bulldog!

4) I'd like to file a complaint against Klenz Mnetis. He's a high school teacher, and he doesn't know a thing about what he's teaching.

5) Rene Helfenburg, our physician, keeps prescribing me the same medicine for everything. Doesn't matter if I have headaches, a cough, a runny nose, allergies…

6) I want to report that my neighbor has too much living space and our building manager, Oscar Morel, has done nothing about it!

7) I'm here to let you know that Adam Pluke and his family are illegally collecting his deceased grandmother's food stamps.

8) Don't you think we should be punishing the families of traitors?

9) I want to report Franz Dietrich, building manager of No. 67-bis on Veterans' Drive. There are illegals living in his business apartment: his brother's wife, his three nephews and one of his grandmothers. He says they have nowhere else to go because his brother was killed in the war, but I say rules are rules!

10) I'm here to fulfil my civic duty and report a violation of the Family Code.

Denunciation – Labor

1) I have to report that my boss, Gus Morev, is a tyrant! He makes us workers bring him tea and polish his boots – what the hell?! It's illegal and disgraceful!

2) You must arrest Philippe Courier, the milk truck driver, for dereliction of duty! He's supposed to pour unsold milk into the gutter, but instead he's been giving it to stray cats!

3) Jiri Shnip, my boss, has jeopardized the reputation of our rubber plant! We used to make tires, but when demand fell we switched to police batons.

4) I need a new job.

5) Smoking has always been prohibited at our fuel and lubricant depot. But now the new boss, Shiber Patek, says it's okay. And he lets his nephew sell smokes in the depot.

6) I want to inform you that my neighbor, Walter Gauss, is a chronic freeloader! He thinks he's a poet, so he doesn't have a job… He just spends his days wasting perfectly good paper.

7) I wanna say that Nicholas Pergheim, the warden of the prison, is violating guards' rights and making the job real crappy!

8) My colleague, Martha Kramer, has created a hostile work environment! She keeps opening the window, and now I've got a stuffy nose all the time!

9) I'm here to report that citizen Franz Merezhkovsky is cheating the Ministry of Labor. He was assigned to be a radio host but instead, he records his voice at home and then plays the recording while working as a handler at the coal warehouse!

Denunciation – Culture and Sports

1) Lola Thmin, the singer, caused a whole scandal after her performance on Railroad Worker Day. We invited her to our canteen… She took all the food with her, called us pathetic, and then she and the director of the House of Culture left together in his car!

2) Do something about the director of the Bumpy Roads theatre group! They hire disabled actors, then torture them to make their performances more realistic! One guy had both his eyes taken out by a parrot!

3) The coach of our turnery's handball team refuses to give reserve players a chance to play in matches!

4) The national chess champion is a cheater who belongs in jail!

5) Modern theatre productions are shameful! I was at one recently, and it's an outrage how perversely they twisted the story of our Great Leader's life!

6) Hello, my name is Pierre Vaneau, and I'm a bellboy at the Anthracite Hotel. I thought you should know that Ricky Martinos, the famous singer, has been behaving in an antisocial manner!

7) Hello there! I want to report that Alex Podransky, the runner, has refused to take vitamins recommended by our doctors because they contain pervitin!

8) I wish to notify the Ministry of Culture and Sports that the director of the Roots folk ensemble, Philip Kim, refuses to incorporate songs recommended by the Ministry of Culture into the band's routine.

9) Hello there! Tell me, please, are green apples still banned in our country?

10) Hello, I want to report negligence on the part of Dmitry Petrashek, the movie editor.

11) Hello. I'd like to report an incident that occurred yesterday at an evening with the poet Albert Grabowski. While he was performing the Pacifist Hymn, the audience erupted in a completely unsanctioned uprising – they literally rose up out of their seats!

12) Hello. I bought a book of Victor Grum's poems recently, and you know what? It doesn't contain a single line about the working man! Nothing! It's all women, children, nature…

Denunciation – Science and Technology

1) I'm a technical consultant at a glass ceramics producer. I want you to punish my wife, Grace Chilton, for altering my designs at night without my knowledge.

2) Sean Campton, a process engineer at Bakery Plant No. 7, came up with a conveyor belt improvement that saves a lot of working time.

3) I'm here to inform you that my neighbor's brother has made some kind of futuristic, next-generation inhaler.

4) I want to complain about my neighbors, Werner von Gray and Sergey King. There used to be an elevator in our apartment building. It broke some years ago.

5) My upstairs neighbor, Mark Lipinec, is trying to irradiate me with waves of some kind! Now when I'm at home I have to wear a tinfoil hat all the time!

6) Our junior lab tech, Martin Clavel, is using a still to make moonshine, which he then consumes along with cucumbers from our experimental plantation! He shouldn't be allowed to do science!

7) Hello, I want to inform you that the entomologist Salzberg has discovered a new species of butterfly. He named it Franciscus pulchritudo – which means 'Francesca the Beauty'.

8) Greetings! I'd like to report that Nikolai Greenberg is using foreign-made scalpels for tissue dissection.

9) Hi. I've invented a device that can identify dissidents in a crowd and highlight them to the police. One of our junior lab techs, Nikolai Petrescu, got into my office tonight and ruined everything!

10) Who's in charge here? You?

Request – Order

1) I'm a Member of the Writers Guild. I'm working on a detective story at the moment, and I'd like access to the crime archives for the past ten years.

2) I need a note certifying that I have no convictions. Who should I talk to?

3) I need a full version of the Criminal Code. Oddly, they won't let me check it out from the library without the Ministry's permission.

4) I'd like to get a gun.

5) I'm the principal of School No. 3 at 12 Strasheci St. Where can I get information about how many of my students are criminals?

6) Yesterday, the newspaper published some pictures of the most-wanted terrorists, and one of them looks exactly like me!

7) I heard that there was a terrorist attack at the port recently, and one of the suspects they arrested has the same surname as me.

8) I need all felony vandalism cases from the past five years related to the Patience and Silence monument.

9) I'd like to talk to someone about my ideas for fighting terrorists more effectively.

10) Hello. I read an article in the Military Science Bulletin about the analysis of the explosives used in the most recent act of sabotage at the plastics plant.

Request – Patriotism

1) I require assistance in arranging a rally dedicated to the upcoming birthday of our Great Wise Leader!

2) I think my compatriots are starting to forget what a great country they live in.

3) I want to get a permit to read certain extracts of our Wise Leader's biography aloud on Patience Square and Obedience Drive.

4) I wrote a romance novel based on the life of our Wise Leader. The Ministry of Agriculture says I should have it checked for patriotism.

5) I'd like to see the standard regulations for depictions of the Leader in works of art.

6) I need 300 wall calendars with pictures of the Great Leader for the upcoming year. They'll have a tremendous propaganda effect in our prison!

7) I'm compiling a guidebook of all the monuments to the Great Leader in our city. I need information about their locations and how many of them there are.

8) The head physician sent me here to get new stickers for the medicine labels in our hospital. This year, the only medicine we received was ribwort, but everyone knows how powerful the Leader's words are! They can raise the dead!

9) I'd like the updated list of patriotic songs approved for performance in school music lessons. We were told it's been amended this week.

10) I'd like data on our losses on the Western Front during the war.

11) I'd like to thank everyone who helped erect a monument to the Leader on the roof of our building.

12) I've brought a poem in praise of the Great Leader and our victorious deeds in the West. This patriotic masterpiece will stir up the whole country!

Request – Social Care

1) I don't know what to do… You're my last hope!

2) I need a wheelchair!

3) Me, my wife, and our three kids have nowhere to live.

4) I need to take maternity leave.

5) My wife and I finally got a spot for our son at a kindergarten. It doesn't matter that he's a 9th-grader now, it's still a nice feeling.

6) I took in a boy from the streets yesterday. He's very weak… Starved, sick, thin as a rake…

7) This year, my son was finally allocated a place in kindergarten, but he doesn't need it anymore. How do I officially turn it down?

8) Can I collect my father's belongings? He turned 85 and we took him to the National Euthanasia Center yesterday, but the old loon decided to take grandpa's gold watch in with him.

9) I'd like to know when it'll be my turn to get free medicine. Last time I was at the doctor's, she said that without medicine I won't last more than a couple of months. And I'm still number 3,267 on the list…

10) Hi! I recently got promoted to the position of grade-4 clerk, so now I'm entitled to increased rations for groceries and manufactured goods.

11) I'd like to donate my body to science. I heard you can get money for it, and I need to pay for my son's education.

12) Hi, I need Professor Zdanek's home address.

Request – Labor

1) I want to change my job!

2) I know how to make our country great again! I want to be a minister! Where do I apply?

3) I would like to submit a request to register for a place on the waiting list for an annual salary increase.

4) I'd like to work for the Ministry of Order.

5) I need a proof of income letter.

6) I'd like to know what my grocery ration will be if I work three shifts?

7) Hi! I got a reassignment notice yesterday. It says I'll be packing boxes at the ammo plant.

8) Hi. I've just graduated from mining college. What vacancies do you have in the mines?

9) Hi, mister! I need a job!

10) Hi! I need a referral for some career enhancement courses.

11) Hi! I've brought ID photos, my university diploma and a reference from my previous employer. Can I apply to be a janitor now?

12) Hi! I want to patent a method of modernizing production and increasing the efficiency of our lathes by 5%!

13) I want to be reassigned. I graduated from culinary college and should be working as a cook, not a welder.

Request – Culture and Sports

1) Our great people have a bright fire burning in their hearts, but we need more music in our souls. I want to start a folk accordionists' club. Where do I get a license?

2) I have a pile of documents I need to give to the winners of an urban orienteering competition. I need the Minister of Culture and Sports to sign them. Can you help me?

3) I come from a line of well-known film directors. I want to make a sequel to Strain, because the first one was a flop.

4) I have a brilliant idea for a new show! Let's take several people, divide them into two teams and send them off to war!

5) I'm the conductor of an orchestra. And I need trumpet players.

6) Hi there! Our shooting team, the Leader's Falcons, wants to apply to take part in the Ministry of Order's national championships!

7) I'm the manager of a band called The Mock Leaders. You've probably heard us on the radio. Please grant us a permit to put on three shows in Helmer.

8) Hi. I represent the seamstresses' trade union. We were promised ten tickets to a Mock Leaders concert, but only got five. I'd like to know what happened to the rest.

9) Hi! Please give me a permit to host a party at our House of Culture to mark the anniversary of the beginning of the war.

10) Okay, here's the deal. ‘Cause of the war, the army's taken all our racehorses to the Front.

11) Hi, I'm a theatrical director. Recently, some people in uniforms showed up and demanded that I remove our production of 'Pity' from the repertoire as, supposedly, 'pity is vulgar'!

Request – Science and Technology

1) Please add me to the list of candidates eligible to receive science grants. I've invented a new type of tank that can be used for farming during peacetime.

2) My father-in-law came up with a device that distills alcohol from cattle manure. I want to patent it before he does. Can you help me?

3) Over the last year or so, I've noticed a not-insignificant increase in the temperature of our environment. Where can I submit an application to obtain a grant for my research into global warming?

4) Recently, a new subspecies of snail was discovered in the south of our great country. Unfortunately, since the locals don't care about whether its a new subspecies or an old one, they keep exterminating it as a pest.

Eye Of Beholder 2 Walkthrough

5) Soon, our world will be plunged into darkness. The people need to know, so that they don't panic.

6) Hi! I've invented a way to turn coal, machine oil and flavor supplements into sausage. What forms do I need to fill out for the patent?

7) Sir! My Commander has sent me to get a diagram of some useless piece of trash or something.

8) Hi! I'm writing a school paper on junk science, and want a permit to get a book called 'Space Travel: Dream or Treachery?' from the special archives.

More of this sort of thing:


Chapter 1
Escape the Dungeon

Chapter 2
Earn Some Gold

Chapter 3
Attack Vampire Guild
Attack Shadow Thieves

Chapter 4
Getting Inside the Asylum
The City-of-Caverns

Chapter 5
The Underdark
Ust Natha
The Dragon Eggs

Chapter 6
Defeat Bodhi

Chapter 7
The Nine Hells

Chapter 1
  • The gameplay begins in a dungeon after Imoen rescues you from your cell. Enter the room to the west and take the weapons, the armor, and the Jail Cell Key from the room.
  • Use the Key to open Jaheira's cell. She will join your party.
  • Speak to Minsc in his cell. Goad him into a berserker rage and he will break the bars of his cell and join your party.
  • Leave through the south passageway. Along the way you will machine that will create Lightning Mephits. Flip the switch in the northwest wall to turn off the machine.
  • In the next room you will meet Aataqah who will ask you a question. If you answer it, you will have to fight some enemies but afterward he will reappear and advise you to seek out Rielev.
  • In the sewer section on the left side of the area, you will find Rielev. Take the Energy Cells from his life support and he will pass on. Take the Activation Stone from the table
  • Use the Activation Stone to control the Sewer Golem. It will open the gates to the beast so it can perform its duties.
  • Take one of the long narrow passages to the center of the area. Defeat the Otyugh and take the Wand of Frost Key from its body.
  • Enter the northern passage. At the end you will find Irenicus' chamber and just off of that, you will find some dryads. Saving them is a separate subquest. It is not necessary to complete it to finish the game. Take the Wand of Lightning Key from this room.
  • Enter Irenicus' mistriss' chamber just beyond the dryads and take the Portal Key.
  • Return to Irenicus' chamber and continue to the west. Enter the portal with the Portal Key and you will go to the next area.
  • At the beginning of the second area, Yoshimo will offer to join your party so that you can all escape together.
  • In the first room, leave the Mephits alone and attack the four portals. Once each portal is destroyed the Mephits that came from the portal will die.
  • The body one the table is Khalid's. Jahiera, his wife, will mourn for his loss and Imoen will say some disturbing things.
  • Take the Wand of Cloudkill Key, the Wand of Fire Key, and the Wand of Summoning Key found in this room.
  • In the next room, you will see a clone trying to escape but she will attack your party. Take the Wand of Missiles Key from her body.
  • At the end of the next passage you will enter a throne room with several symbols on the floor and pedistals on the side of the room. Place the Keys you have found into each of the pedistals. You will receive the wand for each key and the traps in the floor will be disabled. Note that you can walk around the traps in the center of the floor so do not worry if you don't have all six keys.
  • Take the first passage on the right and follow it to the exit.
  • When you leave the prison, you will come face to face with Irenicus who will use magic to destroy his enemies. When he tries to use magic against Imoen, several cowled wizards will appear and arrest him for illegal use of magic in the city. He will surrender even though it seems he could easily destory the wizards. Imoen will be taken away as well for her part in the magical battle.
  • There area many shops in the Promenade where you can buy and sell various goods. The Adventurer's Mart (which is marked on your map) has a large selection of magical and non-magical goods.
  • Leave the Promenade and journey to the slums. You will meet Gaelan Bayle who knows how to rescue Imoen and will take you to his home.
  • Gaelan Boyle will tell you that a group will rescue Imoen for you for 20000 gold pieces. You have no choise but to accept this offer, since the Cowled Wizards are too strong for you to confront on your own. Gaelan Bayle will give you a few tips on how to earn this gold.
Chapter 2

Beholder 2 Floor 12 Walkthrough

  • You need to raise money to fund the rescue of Imoen. Check the Subquests sections to see of list of quests you can take on to raise money. Most of your money will probably come from selling magical weapons and items that you find.
  • Once you have raised 15000 gold, a mysterious woman named Valen will appear and will urge you to meet her mistress in the Graveyard District.
  • Right after you finish talking with Valen, Brus will arrive with a message from Gaelan that he will sweeten the deal for you if you meet him.
  • Go to the Graveyard District and speak to Bodhi. She will offer to aid you in retrieving Imoen for 15000 gold and for help against the shadow thieves.
  • You now have a choice. You must choose to side with the Shadow Thieves or with Bodhi and her minions. If you decline Bodhi's offer return to Gaelan Bayle's house in the Slums. He will tell you that the price for the Shadow Thieves' aid has been reduced to 15000. Pay him the money and he will give you a key so you can meet Aran Linvail.
Chapter 3
  • Enter the Shadow Thief Guild in the Docks District and go down the stairs behind a hidden door in the northeast wall.
  • From the first room of this leve, go through a secret passage in the northeast wall and follow the corridor to Aran Linvail's quarters. He will ask you to help defend one of his shipments from the competing guild.
  • Go down to the south end of the Docks District and meet Mook. Durning the night, a creature named Lassal will kill Mook and attack your party.
  • Once you have defeated Lassal, report to Aran Linvail in the Shadow Thief Guildhall.
  • Aran's next task will be for you to meet with a recruiter from the other guild and pretend to be a recruit yourself. Aran hopes to learn the location of the other guild's lair.
  • Go to the second story of the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District. In one of the rooms you will find Jaylos and Caehan, the defectors.
  • There is no way to get out of this meeting without killing both of the defectors and the guild contact. If you attack the defectors, Caehan will mention the name of the contact before attacking, and if you have a person with high charisma say the 4th dialog option when the contact appears, the contact will tell you the location of the guild's lair. Either way, once you have killed the contact take the note from the contact's body.
  • Return to Aran Linvail and tell him what you learned. He will ask you to go to the Graveyard District and destroy Bodhi.
  • Go to the Graveyard District and enter one of the entrances to the lower tombs.
  • Fight past Pai'Na's spiders and meet Haz at the entrance to the vampire's lair. His Golem will break down the door, but you will be attacked and Haz will be killed.
  • Follow Lassal to the inner sanctum. Defeat the vampires there and confront Lassal in the back room. He will flee again.
  • Return to the entrance of the vampire's lair and enter the hallway to the east. You will have to fight two powerful Tanova's to get through.
  • Lassal will finally attack you in the room with the spikes in the ground. Beware of traps!
  • Once you have defeated Lassal, go to the room with the three coffins on the west side of the area. Use blunt weapons to destory the Golem.
  • Click on each of the coffins to use a wooden stake to finish off the vampires. The top two coffins are Gellal's and Durst's and the bottom one is Lassal's.
  • Bodhi will appear once you have finished off Lassal. She is a very difficult enemy. Only blunt weapons will work against her. Once you have hurt her enough, she will leave.
  • Return to Aran Linvail in the Shadow Thief Guildhall and he will book you passage on a ship which will take you to the island where Imoen and Irenicus are being held by the Cowled Wizards.
  • Go to the Docks District and attack the shadow thieves by the docks at the south end. Take the Smuggled Shipment from Mook's body.
  • Give the package to Bodhi in the Vampire Guild beneath the Graveyard District. You must now choose between two assignments.
  • If you choose the hero's task, go to the Docks District and enter the Shadow Thief Guildhall from the south entrance on the second floor. Defeat the Shadow Thieves and rescue Palern Flynn in the back room. Return to Bodhi in the Vampire Lair.
  • If you choose the other task, enter the Vulova Estate at the north end of the Government District and defeat Vulova and his guards. Place the Shadow Thief Dagger and Cloak in the fountain by the entrance and return to Bodhi in the Vampire Lair.
  • Your last tast will be to kill Aran Linvail, the head of the Shadow Thieves.
  • Go to the Slums and kill Gaelan Bayle in his home. Take the key from his body.
  • Now go to the Docks District and enter the Shadow Thief Guildhall. Kill the enemies inside and descend to the cellar through a secret stairway in the northeast corner.
  • Once you defeat the enemies in the first room of the cellar, Tizzak will ask you to free him from his torturers.
  • Enter the torture chamber to the southeast and kill Booter. Take the prison key from his body and release Tizzak. He will tell you how to get into Aran Linvail's inner chamber.
  • Continue north into the Shadow Thief training area. After Dedral's ambush, enter the room to the northeast and push the red button at the end of the room. Watch out for traps!
  • Continue through the area until you find the wizard Haz. Kill him and take his key.
  • Return to the first room of the cellar and enter a secret passage in the northeast wall.
  • Follow the passage all the way to Aran Linvail's lair and defeat him.
  • Return to Bodhi again, after you have defeated Aran Linvail. She will tell you about her relationship with Irenicus and will then escort you to the ship. Saemon Havarian will sail your party and Bodhi to Brynnlaw.
Chapter 4
  • If you joined the Shadow Thieves, when you arrive in Brynnlaw, Saemon Havarian will betray you and you will be attacked by three vampires. Once you have defeated the vampires, speak to Sime. She will tell you to find a find a way into the asylum and will agree to meet you at the pass leading to the asylum.
  • If you joined Bodhi and her vampires, speak to Saemon Havarian and follow him the Vulgar Monkey.
  • Enter The Vulgar Monkey in the town and speak to Sanik. Before he can tell you anything useful, he will be killed by an assassin. The inkeeper will tell you that the assassin was sent by Lady Galvena and that Sanik's wife Claire, who is being held by Lady Galvena, would probably be the only other one who knows how to get into the Asylum.
  • Enter Lady Galvena's Festhall near the west side of Byrnnlaw. Inside, the Front will ask you your business.
  • To get to the prison, either attack the Front, take the key off his body and go through the secret door in the north corner of the room, or go outside and give the courtesan 100 gold so she will take you to her room inside.
  • Enter the next passage and defeat the guards there. Take Galvena's Key from a closet in the last room on the right. Use it to open the door at the end of the hall.
  • Enter the prison and defeat Lady Galvena and her mage Vadek.
  • Speak to Claire and she will take you to see Captain Golin who will tell you of two different ways to get into the Asylum.
  • One way of getting into the asylum is to speak to the guard in the northwest corner of Brynnlaw and speak Golin's name to be allowed entrance into the Pirate Lord's house. Convince Desharik that you are unstable and he will send you into the asylum. Attack the warden and Irenicus will appear.
  • The other way to get in is to defeat Perth the Adept in the northeast corner of Brynnlaw and take the wardstone from his body. Speak to Sime in the pass at the north end of the area and go toward the asylum. Climb the path to the asylum entrance and enter inside. The coordinator will meet you and show you all of the current inmates. At the end he will come to Imoen and will then reveal himself as Irenicus.
  • From Irenicus, you will learn that Imoen is also a child of Bhaal like yourself and that he wishes to take your power from you.
  • After Irenicus has killed the Shadow Thieves, you will enter into a dream and Imoen will call to you.
  • Enter the library and speak to Imoen. She will tell you to draw the beast toward her.
  • Leave the library and to the west you will find Bhaal. If you try to fight him on your own, you will die. Instead return to Imoen so that she can help you. Turn around and defeat Bhaal.
  • Instead of killing you outright, Bodhi wants to have some sport with you. She will put you in the labyrinth in Spellhold and you must find your way out.
  • From the central room, climb the stairs to the northeast and turn right.
  • In the next area, find a secret door in the northwest corner and defeat all the kobolds. Once the last one is dead you will find Kurtulmak's Crystal Shard. Take the Wooden Stake from the body of a kobold.
  • In the southwest corner of the area you will find Dace Sontan, a vampire. Defeat him and use the Wooden Stake to finish him off and you'll recieve the Hand of Dace.
  • Return to the first area and talk to the statue in the south corner. With the Hand of Dace and Kurtulmak's Crystal Shard the passage to the next area will appear.
  • Take the south passage and take the Minotaur Horn from the fountain in one of the rooms.
  • On the east side of the area, you will be attacked by Bodhi. Your character will turn into the Slayer and attack in rage. Bodhi will leave and you will return to your normal form.
  • Take the east passage from the room with the minotaur statue and take the Minotaur Horn from the room at the end of the hall.
  • Put both Minotaur Horns on the statue to open the passage to the next level.
  • Defeat the Kobolds and Goblins and an apparition will appear and subject you to a number of tests.
  • In the first test, defeat the monsters and answer 'a splinter' to the riddle.
  • Answer 'nothing', 'a river', 'fear', and 'memory' to the riddles in the next test to proceed.
  • In the next area, defeat the trolls and speak to the apparition to proceed to judgement.
  • The apparition will judge you sane and will grant you freedom.
  • When you leave the labyrinth, Saemon Havarian will appear and suggest you free the other inmates to attack Irenicus.
  • If you attack Irenicus on your own, you will all die. Instead, return to the upper level and convince Lonk the Sane to release the inmates. Flame their anger and you will all be teleported to Irenicus on the lower level.
  • After you have fought Irenicus for a while he will flee and Yoshimo and a number of murderers will attack your party.
  • Once you have defeat Yoshimo and the murderers, return to the upper level.
  • Saemon Havarian will appear again and offer you two suggestions: to enter the portal on the lower level, or leave with him on his ship.
  • If you do not trust Saemon, enter Jon Irenicus' room near the entrance to Spellhold on the upper level and defeat the Stone Golem. Take Jon's Key and return to the basement. Use the key to open the door and enter the portal.
  • If you decide to take Saemon's offer, return to Brynnlaw and meet him in the Vulgar Monkey. He will tell you that he doesn't actually have a ship at the moment and will ask your aid in acquiring a new one.
  • Enter Cayia's house on the west side of town during the night. Cayia and her lover will notice you and summon the guards. Defeat the pirates and take the Pirate Horn from the table.
  • Give the Pirate Horn to Saemon by the docks near the southeast corner of the area.
  • Before you can set sail, Desharik, the Pirate Lord, will appear and try to stop you. Defeat him and the pirates and then speak to Saemon Havarian again to set sail. He will give you the Silver Blade.
  • On the fourth morning, the ship will be attacked by the Githyanki. In the middle of the battle, the Sahuagin will appear and your party will be thrown overboard. The Sahuagin will take you to their underwater city.
  • You will appear before the Royal High Priestess Senityili. She will be able to answer some of your questions and tell you about the prophesy.
  • You will be taken before King Ixilthetocal and will be required to accept a challenge to proven you really are the 'chosen one' spoken about in the prophesy. Defeat the Ettin and then agree to kill the rebel prince for Ixilthetocal.
  • Speak to Senityili again at the temple. She will tell you how to get into the Rebel camp. She will also ask you to talk to the rebel prince instead of killing him and will give you the Rebel's Orb if you agree.
  • Go the southwest corner of the city. Watch out for traps! You can either kill the beholder guarding the chest or convince him to let you see inside the chest. Take Sekolah's Tooth from the chest and open the gates on the east side of the city.
  • If you have the Rebel's Orb a sahuagin will take you to Prince Villynaty.
  • You can either kill Prince Villynaty and take his heart to King Ixilthetocal or you can agree to the prince's plan, take the fake heart to King Ixilthetocal and then kill the king. Either way, you will recieve a Magical Rope.
  • Go to the southeast corner of the area and use the Magical Rope to descend to the Underdark.

Eye Of The Beholder 2 Walkthrough Maps

Chapter 5
  • Go to the northwest corner of the Underdark and speak to the Svirfneblin leader Goldander Blackenrock. He will agree to help you enter the drow city if you destroy a beast for them.
  • Go northeast from him and enter the room with the big pit. Click on the pit and Balor will appear. He is an extremely difficult opponent and can only be hurt by +3 magical weapons. There are several drow in the area who have +3 longswords or +3 flails.
  • Once you have defeated Balor, use the Stoneshape Scroll to seal the pit.
  • Return to Goldander Blackenrock and he will give you the Light Gem.
  • Enter Adalon's lair on the east side of the area. She will ask you to retrieve her eggs which were stolen by Irenicus and Bodhi and in return she will help you leave the Underdark. She will transform your party into drow so that you can enter the city.
  • Leave Adalon's lair and approach the gates of the drow city of Ust Natha. The gates will open and you will be questioned. Say you are Veldrin from Ched Nasad and you will be allowed entrance into the city.
  • Speak to Solaufein in front of the Male Fighter's Society. He will tell you he has a task for you and will demand that you meet him near the entrance of the city.
  • Go to the entrance of the city and speak to Solaufein again. A handmaiden will be there and will you will be asked to aid Solaufein in rescuing the Matron Mother's daughter from Mind Flayers.
  • Leave the city and go to the southeast corner of the Underdark. Along the way you will be ambushed by a party of adventurers who think you are drow.
  • Speak to Solaufein again and he will draw the Mind Flayers to him. Destory the Mind Flayers and their Umber Hulks.
  • Return to the drow city and speak to Solaufein once more. Imrae will command you and Solaufein to meet with Phaere in the tavern.
  • After your conversation a Duegar slave will ask you to speak to his master. Approach the glass tank and speak to Aboleth. He will demand that you kill a priestess for him or he'll reveal your true identity to the other drow in the city.
  • You can either do as he asks and kill Qilue and give him her brain, or you can refuse and threaten to reveal his treachery and he will let you go.
  • Enter the tavern and speak with Phaere. She will command you to meet her at the entrance to the city within a few days.
  • Rest at the inn and then meet Phaere at the entrance to the city. She will tell you that she requires your aid in defeating a Beholder that has been smuggling adamantine.
  • Go to the southeast corner of the city and speak to Phaere again. Destroy the Beholder that appears.
  • Speak to Phaere again in the tavern for your next task. She will ask you to destory a svirfneblin patrol to instill fear in the gnomes.
  • Leave the city and meet Solaufein on the west side of the Underdark. You can either destory the gnome patrol with him and take the patrol leader's helmet or you can convince Solaufein that you can do the deed yourself so he'll return to the city and when the patrol comes along, spare their lives in return for the patrol leader's helmet.
  • Return to Ust Natha and give the helmet to Phaere in the tavern to prove you've finished her task.
  • Meet Phaere in the Female Fighter's Society. She will demand that you kill Solaufein for her.
  • Enter the Male Fighter's Society and speak to Solaufein. You can either kill him and take his cloak or show him mercy and he will give you his cloak. If you show him mercy, he will not betray you.
  • Give the cloak to Phaere in the Female Fighter's Society and she will invite you to her bed chamber. Afterward, you will told to meet Mother Ardulace in the temple.
  • Speak to Matron Mother Ardulace in the temple in Ust Natha and she will ask you to find some blood from a noble race. You can either enter the southern tunnels in the Underdark and take the eyestalk from the Elder Orb at the entrance or you can complete the Mind Flayer subquest and take the Elder Brain's blood or you can defeat the Kuo-Toan prince in the western caverns and take his blood.
  • Return to the temple in Ust Natha and give the item to Matron Mother Ardulace. She will bid you to rest until the ritual, but Phaere will ask you to visit her immediately.
  • In front of the Female Fighter's Society, Taso Kala will demand that you destroy a cult of another god.
  • Go to the southeast corner of Ust Natha and kill the priests and monsters, then report back to Tasa Kala when you are done.
  • Speak to Phaere inside the Female Fighter's Society and she will ask your help in disposing Matron Mother Ardulace. She will give you the Despana Treasury Key and some Fake Dragon Eggs.
  • In front of the temple, Solaufein will appear (if you didn't kill him earlier) and give you some Fake Dragon Eggs to get revenge on Phaere.
  • Enter the temple and use the Despana Treasury Key to open the door on the east side and defeat the guards. Take the Real Dragon Eggs and replace them with Phaere's Fake Dragon Eggs.
  • Return to Phaere and give her Solaufien's Fake Dragon Eggs. An imp servant of Adalon will appear telling you that you must defeat the Matron Mother to escape the city and return the eggs.
  • Return to the temple once again and the summoning ceremony will begin. The Lesser Demon Lord will appear and destroy both Matron Mother Ardulace and Phaere for offering fake dragon eggs and will then leave.
  • Leave the city of Ust Natha quickly before the alarm goes out and return Real Dragon Eggs to Adalon. She will reward you with an item and transform you back to your true forms. She will then teleport you near the surface and help you to defeat the drow there.
  • Enter the ruins and help the elves fight the drow. On the west side of the area is the exit from the Underdark.
Chapter 6
  • Once you leave the Underdark, you will be surrounded by Elven warriors who will escort you to their commander Elhan. He will ask you questions about your relationship with Irenicus while Elven sages verify the truthfullness of your words. Once you have shown yourself to by an enemy of Irenicus, he will tell you that Irenicus has captured their city which is now being hidden by a magical barrier that none can penetrate. To get into the city, you need to find the Rhynn Lanthron, which is probably in the clutches of Bodhi.
  • Return to the city of Athkatla. Along the way you will encounter Drizzt and friends. You can ask him to help you fight Bodhi and the other vampires. His help will make the next part much easier.
  • If you speak to Aran Livail in the Shadow Thief Guildhall, he will agree to send some of his top assassins to help you destroy Bodhi and her guild. You can also get help from Prelate Wessalen of the Order of the Radiant Heart in the Temple District.
  • Go to the Graveyard and you will encounter Bodhi who will welcome you by sending some vampires after you.
  • Enter the Vampire lair through the entrance near the top left part of the area, next to Viconia (if you had rescued her).
  • Upon entering, Eric Vanstraaten and three other paladins will arrive if you asked the Prelate of the Order of the Radiant Heart for help. After the first battle, Eric will dismiss the other paladins and continue alone with you.
  • In the northwest corner of the Vampire lair, you will see Drizzt and his party battling some vampires if you had asked for his help earlier. After the battle, Drizzt alone will continue with you and your party.
  • If you asked Aran Linvail for help, you will encounter some Shadow Thieves fighting with vampires in the central room of the vampire lair. Again, the leader will join you at the end of the battle.
  • After all three groups of vampires have been killed, descend to the Inner Sanctum.
  • Defeat Bodhi and the last of her vampires in the inner sanctum. Once she is dead, enter the room behind her and use a Wooden Stake on Bodhi's coffin to finish her off. You will receive the Rhynn Lanthorn and Imoen will regain her soul.
  • Return to Elhan by the exit from the Underdark with the Rhynn Lanthorn. It will lead you to the entrance to the Elven city of Suldanessellar.
Chapter 7
  • Once inside the Elven city of Suldanessellar, Elhan will advise you to seek out Queen Ellesime or High Priestess Demin.
  • Fight your way to the southwest corner and defeat Raamilat who is guarding Demin's House.
  • Enter Demin's house and defeat the Rakshasa. Demin will tell you that you need to find three relics and bring them to Rillifane's Temple to enter the palace.
  • Enter the House of the Talisman just east of Demin's House. Inside you will find a locked container with several plates on it. The Elven Priest Stone in the Priest's house above will give you a clue for opening it. Select the plates in the following order: Rune of Corellan, Symbol of Rillifane, Symbol of Water, Tree of Life, and Suldanessellar. You will receive the Talisman of Rillifane.
  • Enter the House of the Moon to the north and you will witness an elven warrior sacrifice his life to protect the Moonblade from a demon. Take the Moonblade from the elven warrior's body.
  • Go to the forest clearing in the northwest corner of Suldanessellar and confront Nizidramanii'yt the powerful black dragon. When you have finally defeated him, take the Golden Goblet of Life from its body.
  • Enter the Temple of Rillifane and defeat the enemies within. Place the Talisman of Rillifane, the Moonblade, and the Golden Goblet of Life on the alter to summon the Avatar of Rillifane. He will awaken the guardian spirits of the forest and will break the seal on the palace gates.
  • Get the Stone Horn from inside the House of the Horn and the Stone Harp from inside the Harpists' House.
  • Enter the palace in the northeast part of Suldanessellar.
  • Click on the tree in front of you a few times to gather its nuts. The larger nuts can be used for healing.
  • Put the Stone Horn and the Stone Harp on the statues by the pool to reveal a staircase to the Tree of Life.
  • An image of Ellesime will appear at the bottom of the staircase and will ask you to kill the parasites that are killing the tree of life.
  • Walk along the branches and find the three large parasites. In certain places, a new branch will be grown from one of the smaller Tree of Life nuts which will allow your party to cross.
  • When you click on a parasite, two elementals will appear to defend it. Defeat the elementals and then click on the parasite to kill it.
  • When the last parasite has been killed, Irenicus will lose the power from the Tree of Life. Your party will appear before him and he will attack you.
  • Once you have defeated Irenicus, your soul will be dragged down with Irenicus into the Nine Hells. Your friends will also die and follow you there.
  • To open the Abyssal Door, you need to find all five Tears of Bhaal:
    • To the west, you will have to defeat the Wraith Sarevok to get the first Tear.
    • At the bottom of the stairs to the southwest, you will be met by a demon named Greed. He will give you the Blackrazor. Either give the Blackrazor to the enslaved genie or defeat him in battle to free him and retrieve one of the Tears.
    • At the bottom of the stairs to the south, Selfish will snatch one of the members of yemand that youour party and d make a choice. If you go through the door on the right, the companion will be killed. If you take the door on the left, your companion will be returned but you will lose 2 maximum HPs, 1 dexterity, and some experience. The demon will give you a Tear.
    • To the southeast, the demon Fear will offer to give you an evil Cloak of Bravery made from the skins of innocent nymphs. If you have some fear protection, take the lower passage. Otherwise, take the upper passage and defeat the Beholders. Click on the glowing red stone to find another Tear.
    • At the bottom of the stairs to the east, a demon will praise you for your mighty deeds and try to get you to fight a terrible beast. Refuse to give in to your pride and to fight the creature just because it is in your way. Speak to the dragon and he will give you the final Tear.
  • Click on the plates next to each eye surrounding the Abyssal Door when you have all five Tears of Bhaal and the Door will open and Irenicus will come through. Irenicus will summon four demons to aid him and the final battle will begin. Defeat Irenicus once and for all and you will regain your soul.

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